Did you see the double amputee standing in the window of Limb Lab in Downtown Rochester the other night holding a sign saying "awareness is coming"?
I was driving downtown and had to do a double take. I did some digging and found out that Limb Lab partnered with the Minnesota-based amputee support group, Balance, to feature the live mannequins. Hopefully, you got a chance to check it out. If not, there are a few pictures below.
Limb Loss Fast Facts*:
·Nearly 2 million people live with limb loss in the United States.
·Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year.
·The main causes of limb loss are: vascular diseases, like diabetes and peripheral arterial disease (54%), trauma (45%), and cancer (less than 2%).
·The most common causes of pediatric amputations are lawn mower accidents.
·Up to 55% of diabetics with a lower extremity amputation will require amputation of the second leg within 2‐3 years.
·An average of 507 Americans lose a limb every day.
·From 2001 to 2014, the number of total amputations performed in Minnesota increased 39.11%.
* Source: Amputee Coalition
For more information on Limb Loss Awareness month, contact Megan Kennedy at megan@limblab.com or 507-322-3457