Protesters Interrupt Biden's Super Tuesday Speech in California


Former Vice President Joe Biden addressed his supporters in California Tuesday night with a jubilant speech after he won several states, racking up delegates in a contentious primary.

With more than 1,300 delegates in 14 states up for grabs on Super Tuesday, Biden delivered on his campaign's promised momentum after winning South Carolina's primary on Saturday. Several states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Virginia went for Biden, giving him a lead in delegates for the night.

"It's a good night. It's a good night," Biden said. "It seems to be getting better. They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing."

"Those who have been knocked down, counted out, left behind. This is your campaign. Just a few days ago the press and the declared the campaign dead. And that came South Carolina. And they had something to say about it," Biden said.

At one point during the vice president's speech, two protesters rushed the stage, shouting 'Let Dairy Die.' The two women were quickly removed from the stage and the speech continued.

"People are talking about a revolution. We started a movement. We’ve increased turn out. The turn out turned out for us. That can deliver us to a moment where we can do extraordinary, extraordinary things," Biden said.

Biden also took a moment to give a shout out to several other candidates who dropped out over the weekend and endorsed his campaign.

"We won Minnesota because of Amy Klobuchar," Biden told the crowd in California. "And we're doing well in Texas because of Beto O’Rourke."

The former vice president added that he was "incredibly proud" to have earned former Mayor Pete Buttigieg's endorsement as well.

"We are very much alive," Biden said. "And make no mistake about it. This campaign will send Donald Trump packing."

Photo: Getty Images

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